Monday, October 27, 2008

Calling all Amateur Charger Photographers! Post Photos!

Have you ever brought a camera to a Hillsdale Football Game? Andy Losik is offering to compile a commemorative photo CD with various pictures taken during the 2008 Football season. Once at the site, click on the chargerbluespace box and set up an account. At the chargerbluespace page, there is also an "Animoto" video. Click on it and enjoy the show. We are hoping to have something fun for each player to keep that will be similar (but much longer) to the one on-line.

Then all you need to do is load your photos. If I could figure it out, I feel pretty confident most of you can too. It really is pretty simple. When loading, you can load each picture individually, or click on to "other options" and do a bulk load. Thanks for all your participation and help on this project.

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